Monthly Archives: July 2011


Ah, a whole week already! I will admit to being rather lazy this week (with the sunburn to prove it) but I am very determined to make up for it. Real life distractions as well as an all consuming desire to finish reading ‘War and Peace’ are my excuses for the past couple of days. Although it’s still going to take a long length of time to finish that particular novel!

However, today I shall be handing in two pieces of work for the exhibition ‘Fabric of the Land’ up in Aberdeen. I’m a bit surprised that I hadn’t actually heard of it before as it’s something that really appeals to me. Well, with a bit of luck I’ll get them in… if not, I’ll just need to try harder next time! It’s the waiting for ‘that’ email that gets to me. Sometimes waiting to hear a yay or nay is worse than receiving an outright nay. Like waiting to hear that your artwork seems to have fallen apart in the post… that’s one of my recurring nightmares right there.

Alrighty… so this week we have a couple of pieces well on the way to being finished, here they are so far;

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I really like these works when they’re in the sunlight. You can really see them glitter and sparkle. There’s also a lot of detail to them, but you do need to get up close to really appreciate it.

Part of the reason why I work on so many pieces at once is the sheer impatience I tend to feel a lot of the time. It’s important to take your time over a piece of work, but usually after I spend more than a certain length of time on one painting, I need to move onto something different, if only to clear my head.

Working Hard?

Alright I have a new system for my blog updates! I’m going to aim for once a week and just write about whatever I have on the go for the moment. At this point in time I feel I really need a studio. My bedroom has been turned upside down and inside out!

Anyways I’ve just finished these little pieces:

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These took far to long to create for my liking as they are rather small (and I am an impatient person by nature!) but worth the wait. Having said that though, I think this will be the last set I do for a while around the colour white. I’d forgotten how difficult it was to stop white pieces from becoming dirty! I still have other works on the go from this series and I’m hoping to have them near completion by this time next week. We shall see!